
7th lille3000 famous edition

26 APR › 09 NOV 2025

City of Lille, Lille European Metropolis & Hauts-de-France Region

Lille3000 presents Fiesta, its seventh edition, from 26 April to 9 November 2025, taking place in the City of Lille, the Lille European Metropolis, the Hauts-de-France Region and the Eurometropole.

As in previous editions, the major facilities, museums, opera houses, orchestras, artistic education establishments, theatres, choreographic centres, performance venues and artistic collectives will be brought together.

Fiesta will be experienced above all as a big party, with a programme of joyful, festive events and participatory projects that will showcase associations, artists, collectives and local residents, and which we’re building together right now!

Why Fiesta today ?

If it may seem provocative to party in a world of alarm (war, climate crisis…), precisely the party is a collective effervescence that wants to be an antidote to the anxiety or anger generated by the current world. To make the “fiesta” against the “Furia” of the world.

After these years of compartmentalization, confinement, linked to the covid-19 pandemic, we celebrate to get together, to reinvent the joy of the collective. The party renews and stimulates social ties. A celebration that does not forget global problems, but is conscious of the ecological issues and context.

Manifestation of the living in all its forms, expression of bodies and beings in all their diversity: the party is also a space for creation, and above all freedom. Should we remember that it is the tyrannical regimes that forbid holidays, which are the very essence of democracy? 

Partying: a Northern Tradition

If we chose the term “Fiesta” which refers more to Spain and therefore to southern Europe or Latin America for example, it is to say how welcoming the North is, attentive to Souds, that is to say that the feast is not the closed affirmation of a territory or an identity, but is an opening to the world. Fiesta, three vowels and three consonants. 

The party: a unifying tool

lille3000 will, as in its previous thematic seasons, federate large facilities, museums, opera, orchestras, conservatories and music schools, theatres, choreographic centres, performance halls and artistic collectives around this new major theme. lille3000 will accompany the districts of Lille, the municipalities of the European Metropolis of Lille and the Hauts-de-France Region in order to build with them, in close collaboration, a program of joyful events, festive and unifying that will put forward associations, artists, collectives and inhabitants.

These major events aim to make artistic proposals accessible to the greatest number, so that they can be addressed to audiences or more broadly to populations who may feel far from the usual places of culture.

lille3000 sees the events it creates as tools for sharing culture, not only by bringing people into contact with artistic creation in the most convivial way, but also by involving them in a process of appropriation and creation, while preserving the excellence of artistic proposals. 

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